
2021年9月7日—百事(Pepsi)與可口可樂(Coca-Cola)兩家老牌飲料長期互為競爭對手,歷時百年的愛恨情仇讓雙方各有擁護者,也不斷推陳出新搶話題,以拉攏更多消費者。,2019年8月29日—Accordingtorecentdata,Coca-Colaowns51%ofthesoftdrinkmarket,whereasPepsionlyowns22%ofit.根據近期資料顯示,可口可樂占軟性飲料 ...,Thecolawarsarethelong-timerivalrybetweensoftdrinkproducersTheCoca-ColaCompanyandPepsiCo,whohaveeng...


2021年9月7日 — 百事(Pepsi)與可口可樂(Coca-Cola)兩家老牌飲料長期互為競爭對手,歷時百年的愛恨情仇讓雙方各有擁護者,也不斷推陳出新搶話題,以拉攏更多消費者。

可口可樂vs. 百事可樂!你選哪一個? (Coke (Coca Cola) vs ...

2019年8月29日 — According to recent data, Coca-Cola owns 51% of the soft drink market, whereas Pepsi only owns 22% of it. 根據近期資料顯示,可口可樂占軟性飲料 ...

Cola wars

The cola wars are the long-time rivalry between soft drink producers The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, who have engaged in mutually-targeted marketing ...


Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink with a cola flavor, manufactured by PepsiCo. It was originally created and developed in 1893 by Caleb Bradham in the United ...

Pepsi and CocaCola

2023年8月14日 — With a uniquely competitive relationship, Pepsi and Coca-Cola have been able to leverage each other's brands to stay ahead of other competitors ...

Which Came First, Coke or Pepsi? A Historical Timeline

Coke came before Pepsi, although only by a few years. Dr. John S. Pemberton created Coca Cola in 1886 while Pepsi did not come about until 1893. Both ...

Pepsi quietly killed a beloved soda (Coca

2023年11月25日 — When some brands get killed there's a huge backlash, but Pepsi made an under-the-radar move to stop making a popular soda.

Coca-Cola risks being unseated as the highest

2023年11月13日 — PepsiCo is on course to take over as the biggest U.S. beverage company by market value, analyst says.

The Pepsi Challenge

Today, we're breaking down the Pepsi Challenge. The Pepsi Challenge signaled a major shift in the winds of the cola landscape. In 1975, Coke was the 800 lb.